Day 63


Oh, the things I have discovered this day. Did you know that there are wearable electronics? I mean, these are specially designed to be sewn onto your clothing or bag. It can be as simple  as flickering LED’s or you can make yourself a knitting bag that will use the LED’s to tell you your pattern on each row!  I haven’t found all of the materials by that company but Adafruit has compatible materials. They also have the materials and a tutorial to make yourself an imitation arc reactor for a seriously awesome Iron Man t-shirt/Halloween costume. Yes, you do need one! (Adafruit is named for Ada Lovelace, daughter of the poet Lord Byron, and 19th century mathematician. Look her up on Google. She’s pretty awesome.)

Anyway, this has given me ideas, so very many ideas and my poor hubby will be dragged in because he’s better with the practicalities of this sort of thing. That’s not to say that I couldn’t do it, but I like my husband and I like having his help/input in things. Plus, I want my version to tell me the row count as well as the pattern and I want more than 10 lights so I’ll need more than the single board but how awesome is the sewn circuitry?!

And then there’s this –

Jesse Seay is an electronic arts teacher in Chicago. She has a series of blog posts about knitted circuit boards and it’s brilliant. I love the fusion of textiles and electronics.

I’m just about ready to join the front and the back to begin knitting in the round for the sweater. I’m still really enjoying knitting this. I’ll take a photo for tomorrow’s blog post, once it’s all joined up.

Continuing yesterday’s 1950’s-60s music and movie star, meet Bobby Darin. He was married to starlet Sandra Dee (the real one, not the character portrayed by Olivia Newton-John in ‘Grease’) and is probably best known for his performance of ‘Mack the Knife’ but of course, that’s not what I’m sharing with you. This is ‘Lazy River’, a terrific piece of big band swing.

And now, for the thing you have all been waiting for….. today’s addition to the banket is a small red square.

day 63